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Sex Toys and Pop Culture: Life Imitating Art?
This month, we introduce a new "Talkback" section to NoveltyBiz to give industry members the opportunity to share their thoughts on the mainstreaming of sex toys. While many of the supporting responses relate to the booming sexual wellness category in mainstream retail, a significant portion of respondents recall being ushered into the mainstream thanks to Hollywood.
In the "90s, "Sex & the City" put rabbit vibrators on the map; however the tech-obsessed culture of today isn"t so much interested in openly scripted TV shows. No way, we crave a daily dose of "real life drama" (that perhaps we"re missing by keeping up with the information superhighway), but guess what? Sex toys are still making their way into the semi-scripted world of reality TV.
Among the most successful brands to bank on the TV trends of Generation Y is The Screaming O. From appearing on an episode of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" to entire seasons of "Bad Girls Club," there is no shortage of young adult women that would give their best "O" face for that notorious red Screaming O branded tank.
Sex toys also are making appearances on network TV via health-centric talk shows like "The Dr. Oz Show" and "The Doctors," which have showcased products from a variety of companies, including We-Vibe, CalExotics and (again) The Screaming O, among several others.
No reality show today is complete without a scandalous sex toy episode. "Real Housewives" from coast to coast, "Jersey Shore" twenty-somethings, "Bad Girls Club" ladies and multiple Kardashians have all ventured into the world of pleasure products for the cameras - and with multitudes of impressionable adult viewers watching, the message is clear: sex and related products are a part of reality and your favorite pseudocelebrity isn't ashamed of putting it out there so why should you?
Director of Marketing and Public Relations, Doc Johnson
"Sex toys have crossed into the mainstream now more than ever. It is now commonplace to see sex toys alluded to or shown outright on major network television shows, in movies, and mentioned in popular magazines. The luxury brands helped pave the way by making sex toys a sophisticated accessory and status symbol in some regards. Fitting with the emergence of a savvier and more sophisticated consumer, you're seeing more nonporous material lines being created and bestselling products being reissued in silicone. Desirable attributes in the mainstream arena are: small, colorful, rechargeable, discreet, ergonomic - all strong themes that continue to gain momentum.
Changes in the market can sometimes be wonderfully disruptive and beneficial to manufacturers and retailers, and the flipside of that is sometimes trends have too much perceived influence and cause rash decision making … so you have look deeply at the meaning of what is really happening in our industry and act accordingly if a trend is in line with your company's goals. You can see how Doc Johnson has responded to consumer demand with our latest assortment of products unveiled at the January shows and in our recent catalog supplement. This is most certainly something we kept in mind when developing WonderLand; we know that WonderLand has mainstream appeal and are excited to see the ripple effect it will have when we release the line in two months."